Fall in Wisconsin is something that’s both beloved and celebrated. From cranberries to pumpkins, football to more football and tasty treats like grandma’s apple pie. It’s a time of year where we especially cherish the sun and warm temps as we know all too well that soon enough winter will appear. Fall brings feelings of warm and cozy days with the family. But there are some hazards that accompany this time of year. Below are some hazards you may not be thinking of, but should be.

Fall is definitely a popular time to burn candles. We absolutely agree! There’s something about having the windows open and a candle burning that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But burning a candle always comes with a risk. Roughly 3% of all home fires in the U.S. are started by candles each year. And 11% of those fires happen after a person has fallen asleep with a candle burning. So please, just use caution and common sense when burning a candle! Keep them away from pets and children and make sure you blow them out before leaving or going to sleep. If you need to, set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to blow out the candle!

Leaves, leaves, leaves. They’re beautiful when they change, but soon enough they clutter our yards and driveways. Keep in mind that leaves on driveways or walkways can be slippery, so take care in removing them from these areas. Rake, mow or blow your yard clean and you’ll thank yourself next spring! One thing you don’t want to do with leaves is burn them as they give off dangerous, cancer causing chemicals. If you must burn, wear a mask while you do so and make sure you are far away from buildings and other people.

Beware of the weather! Nighttime temperatures are starting to drop, and the mornings may be icy. Take note in the temps before heading out of the house so you know if you need to watch out for ice. It can be especially sneaky if we’ve had a rainy day and the water is sitting beneath a pile of leaves.
We hope you have a safe and happy Fall season!