As the season’s change so do all the colors around us. From grassy green, to radiant reds, to dim browns and greys and eventually sparkly white. Does all the change in color outside ever leave you craving some change in color on the inside? The inside of your home that is.
Transitioning your home décor with the seasons is a great way to keep you from getting bored. And it doesn’t have to be huge and expensive.
Below are some simple ways to mix up seasonal décor without breaking the bank.
Switch out your throw pillows and blankets. You can do this for the living room, family room, and even bedrooms. This is an easy way to give the room a new feeling. We like: light blankets and bright colors for summer, earthy tones and textured blankets for fall, warm and cozy blankets with holiday inspired pillows for winter, and soft colored pillows and blankets for spring.
Put some new decorations on your shelves, mantles, etc. This could be switching out one focal item. Or leaving the big focal item year round and swapping out the small items around it. We like both ideas. For example, you have a big picture hanging above your fireplace and you change out that picture for each season-you change the big focal item. Or you leave the big picture alone and change out the small items you have on the mantle below giving just enough change to make the room feel different.
Change up the décor you have on your walls. This could again be changing up just one focal spot or changing multiple walls throughout your home.
Use faux plants and flowers to give your home a different feel. Faux plants these days look awfully real, and if you’re anything like us you have bad luck keeping real plants alive. A simple vase and season inspired flowers can really give you a feel of change.
Smells can give us all the feels. Do you use candles, wax warmers, plug-ins or sprays? Mix up the scents to go with the season. There’s plenty of seasonal scents out there. Find one that gives you the feels and give your home that cozy feeling.
Changing up decorations throughout the year is fun. But there are some things you need to think about. First, are you the type of person who’s taste changes quickly? It might not be worth buying seasonal décor if next year you are going to hate it. Second, do you have the space? It’s a great concept, but if you are in a small apartment or home and lack storage space it may not be practical to buy all this décor if you are going to feel super cramped.
With these things in mind, if it’s right for you go and make your house feel fresh and new! We like to buy seasonal décor at the end of the season for the following year when everything is on clearance (who doesn’t love a good deal)!
Happy Seasonal Decorating.