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Tim Kraemer

Spring Cleaning: Indoor Allergens

Updated: Jun 14, 2019

As the spring daylight shines through your windows you look around your house to see the leftovers of winters path.  Dust on those shelves you’ve been neglecting.  Unclear views out the windows which have been collecting dirt and dust as they’ve stayed closed for months.  And suddenly your nose begins to tickle and eyes itch.  Hello spring, a time of cleaning and newness but also a time of dreaded springtime allergies.  Below we share tips to help tackle those allergens hiding in your home.

Dust: No matter how often you clean, wipe those shelves or vacuum those floors, dust is bound to be around.  And after the many of months of keeping our homes closed up for winter, there always seems to be an extra collection of dust around.  Dust is a major contributor to indoor allergens.  To help combat dust, use cloths and products specifically for the matter.  Whether you choose disposable dust pads, reusable cloths or a spray and wipe method, make sure what you use is actually trapping the dust rather than just spreading it around.  If dust is a major source of allergies for you, we suggest you hit every surface.  Wipe down shelves, fans, wall hangings and even the walls.  Get the corners of rooms and underneath furniture.  Also, take a look at the air vents in your heating/cooling system.  Make sure those are blowing dust around.  Change in the air filter in your system.

Mold:  Mold is sneaky.  Remember that mold thrives in dark, damp places such as showers/tubs and basements.  Inspect all the areas in your home that are often exposed to humidity.  Have you had any leaks or floods?  Do you have frequently used rooms in the basement?  As snow melts and rain begins be aware of any water leakages throughout your home.  Tackling mold takes extra care.  There are mold killing products out there as well as good old bleach.  Depending on the amount of mold will determine how you go about taking care of it.  Be aware that mold can be very dangerous to your help and seek professional cleaning services when necessary.

Pollen:  Now you may be wondering why we are addressing pollen when we are talking indoor allergens.  Simple:  we track pollen from outside to in.  Whether it’s on your shoes or clothing or your furry friend’s paws, pollen is easily transmitted from the outdoors into our homes.  To keep pollen out of your home, take your shoes off right away when entering.  If pollen is a major allergen for you or a family member you can be a bit more diligent.  If you have pets, wipe them down before entering after they’ve been outdoors.  After an afternoon outside, change your clothing especially before sitting on any furniture.  And lastly, keep track of the pollen counts in your area and when they are high keep your windows closed.

Pet Dander:  If you have indoor pets, they could possibly be contributing to your indoor allergies.  Best way to keep pet dander to a minimum is to be diligent in vacuuming and sweeping- daily.  Also, consider keeping your pets out of certain rooms in your home such as bedrooms or family rooms.  When brushing your pets, do it outdoors.  Wash any bedding that your pets use frequently.  Be aware that those beloved pals may be causing you additional allergy symptoms.

If you suffer from indoor allergies, there are steps you can take to help decrease the allergens throughout your home.  If you are unsure what is causing your allergy symptoms, consider getting tested so you can tackle the right sources!

We hope you stay allergy free this spring!

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